2006 National Hip Hop Pre-Convention Footage
You can view the short promo at this link (select video):
2006 NHHPC PromoYou can download the entire 13-minute piece here:
2006 NHHPC Part 1Both take a few seconds to load, but check em out!
Peace and hairgrease!
Explanation - XCL
My name is Steve, my good friends call me Jaqpott. Firstly I gotta clear up a few things, I am not a guy who
throws parties. Parties just happen to be a byproduct of my job. But we don't just produce parties and shows for the sake of the party. Anytime we can get 300-500 folks together to enjoy themselves is a reason for somethin'. But never just for the sake of the party. We want you to see and hear each other on all levels of entertainment, business, and economics. We think you'll find there are some pretty good people out here doing pretty good things. I'd like you to meet and greet each other through our what is now
our business of entertainment. We don't thing mainstream media allows for that.
As you know, Chicago is hosting the 2006 National Hip Hop Political Convention. The host local organizing committee - CHILoc, is doing a wonderfully complex job of gathering pertinent issues for discussion from the community as well as production of performance and knowledge-driven events designed to bring solutions to those issues to the forefront.
In addition to the shows our folks produce in Chicago's historic bronzville, I'd like to personally invite local Chicago businesses to the opportunity to support this opportunity to bridge the people and businesses for a national network intent on improving the socioeconomic condition.
And have a good time in the process.
My company XtraMedium Communications has opened a few channels to make support of the 2006 National Hip Hop Political Convention even more attractive. You can talk to one of our reps about that. From now through the convention we're planning to bring you the best on the network.
My weekly top 5 list will tell you what I mean.
Shut Em Down
My apologies - the Street tag is Katrina.
Coordinated Speed
Howdy All,
Thanks for coming to tonights meeting. This blog has been set up to discuss very specific elements of the 2006 National Hip Hop Political Convention. It's Web Address is NHHPC.Blogspot.com. This is a place to post ideas about the topics we'll be developing with the communities and as part of the execution of specific goals on a weekly basis leading up to the convention.
At some point I'll being showing you how to send messages to this thing using your phone. But
This is also the place to access all those reference materials we need to read, send or forward on. Like a freeway, the blog only controls the direction we you'll go with what you learn here - it's the
white lines, so to speak. You decide how far and fast you choose to go. Of course our resources are our fuel, only to be used (in this instance) efficiently and effectively. Speeding for the sake of going fast, will burn your most valuable of resources, unless you employ a technology for a purpose. It is the peaceful purpose that brings a sense of order.
The good people of the CHILoc work with a purpose. This blog will be history of our use of technology to achieve our sense of order. If you were to jump, in a days time from 1968 to 2006, your eyes would likely well with water.
Our issues of crime, economics, and social growth
would be then so they are now concerns to be discussed addressed and solved. So, TJ, Amina, Lakeisha, Zahra, Sean, Nikki, and everybody, (and I mean it)
Happy Black History - and text Hip Hop to 78247 on Thurday @5PM. Let's pick up the pace to our respective